Sunday, November 15, 2009
My academic year
At first point, I am going to talk you about my favorite classes. The first one was Judicial psychology, in this class I studied topics related to the people who live in jail, about their rights and in the cruel conditions where they live. Here I discuss with my classmates about what we can do to improve their live conditions and to improve the judicial system, because it just worries about punish the criminals but it doesn’t care about their rehabilitation. So our work such as judicial psychologist is thinks about how to improve the live conditions in jail and social insertion of the ex convicts and after it we have to apply our ideas.
Another class that I like so much was clinical psychology, specially the humanism therapy such as Psychodrama and Alba emoting. This kind of therapy propose that we have to pay attention not just to the human behavior or mind but the body too. It goes deeper than any other kind of therapy, besides the therapies that and mention before mix art and psychology, because they integrate the theatre into the therapy to improve the communication abilities of the people.
On the other hand, I had unuseful and bored classes too. Between them are communitarian intervention and psychology of the work. These classes were very disorganizated and with poor information. Besides they couldn’t motivate me because the activities were very bored and they weren’t interesting.
Finally and concluding I would like to propose some challenge to the next year because this year I couldn’t get them. The first challenge is related to communitarian psychology, I would like to learn more about this area because I like so much although the communitarian intervention class were a disaster. Another challenge is learn more about Psychodrama and Alba Emoting Because they mix art and psychology, and I love scenic arts so I like to develop this abilities to improve my circus shows. My last challenge for the next year is start to apply the abilities learnt in the university so I would like to have more practice experience.
Friday, November 6, 2009
My challenges ¬¬
On the other hand, a big challenge for me is dedicate my life to the circus arts. In this way, in my life project is referred travel to France to enter to a circus academy. This raises, in first place, overcome a demanding physical audition and then an important challenge is accustom to the physical training that this academy requires. Another big challenge in this area is after finish the preparation period find a good place to develop the abilities acquired or a good job.
A great challenge in my life is unified the previous objectives, believe it or not, psychology and circus are areas very complementary, in this way I would like to work mixing communitarian psychology and circus, encouraging Resilience in children and poor people.
Finally my closest challenge is complete the thirty-five hundred words that this blog assigment requires, And I think that I am close so I am trying to prolong my speech. Well I only have fifteen words so I have tos ay good bye, I hope you like my work, see you later.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Today I’m going to talk about my favorite activities, those that I do when I have some free time. Is really strange for me to have free time because I’m a very busy person, but it will depend of the point of view, because most of my activities could be considered things that common people would do in their free time, however for me are a serious job. I’m talking about circus arts, juggling, etc.
So in my free time I love locking in my bedroom alone and listening to music in the dark, it relaxes me too much. It let me disconnect myself of my responsibilities and obligations, when I listen to music I can analyze what I am doing whit my life, I can realize my mistakes, and meditate about different topics.
Another activity I enjoy a lot when I have free time is doing yoga or stretching my muscles, I often practice a lot of exercise so my muscles are generally stiff and tired. When I stretch my muscles I prevent that the lactic acid accumulate in specifics places spreading it reducing muscular pain. Besides when I stretch my muscles, although it is very painful, I know that it is very beneficial for do circus art giving me more elongation and plasticity of movement.
Finally in my free time I like very much meeting my friends, and talk about our life drinking a beer or tastier drinks, we usually meet in Bellavista neighborhood because there are lots of bars and pubs to choose. Besides, we generally finish dancing in a disco and go to sleep all together to the house of one of us, passing all day together.
Well in summary those are all the activities that I do when I have free time, they are just a few because as I told you I have little time, besides when I’m doing these activities I feel wasting my time and I think that I could use it in something more productive. So that is all for today, I hope you like my activities and enjoy it such I do. Bye bye.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Music in my life

My favorite kind of music is Brit Pop, but I listen to all kind of music like Electronic, Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, etc. I often change the music of my pendrive because when I listen to it many times I start to get bored. Besides the sort of music that I’m going to listen to will depend on my mood, So when I`m sad I listen to Brit Pop, Trip Hop or slow music, but when I’m glad I listen to Pop, Rock or Electronic.
On the other hand, I usually have to explore new bands or styles of music because I practice circus arts and in my shows I have to project different emotions so music is a powerful tool to do it, and many times unknown music groups represent deeper emotions than the super popular bands which always talk about superficial topics. In this way, I think music could be very therapeutic because it evokes different emotions and thoughts that could help us to face and overcome difficult situations.
Finally, one of my favorite bands is Radiohead who came to Chile this year in March; one of my favorite songs is “Pyramid song” because it produces me a cathartic sensation and relaxes me very much, I leave you a link for you to enjoy yourself this song
Friday, October 2, 2009
my favorite dish.
Today I’m going to talk about my favorite food. As someone of you know, I’m vegetarian and besides I’m very tricky, so food is a complicated topic for me, my closest friends and my family, they always have to worry about what I like and dislike when I’m invited to have something. But they just worry in vain because I have very simple tastes; indeed my favorite dish is spaghetti with white sauce.
The first time when I tried this dish I was in the house of one of my friend, Laura, and she cooked it for us, when I tasted it I immediately fell in love of it, I even ate a second plate. Few days after this I cooked it for my family and I teach how to prepare the sauce to my mother, they love the dish too but not as much as me
I always ask my mother that cook spaghetti with white sauce, indeed in the special dates like Christmas or in my birthday, this is very freak because generally people want to eat in this dates more special dishes but I’m satisfied just with a simple dish of spaghetti.
Its preparation is very easy and quick, which is a great advantage of this dish because you can cook it when you’re very hungry and hurry, besides the spaghetti is quickly absorbed by our organism, providing lots of energy in a short time, for that sportsmen always eat a great dish of it before compete.
Well I hope you can have the opportunity to try this delicious dish, that’s all bye.
Friday, September 25, 2009
What to do and where to go in Santiago.
The topic about I going to talk you today is very bored, so I’ll try to make fun, I don’t know if I get it but I’ll do my best.
Santiago is the most important city of Chile, it’s our capital and there are lots of funny and interesting places to visit, one of them is “Forestal” park on Sunday, in there always meet lots of people with different interests and styles, it’s a perfect place to meet friends and buy second hand clothes, besides always there are circus shows and the contemporary art museum is nearby.
Other beautiful place is Santa Lucia hill that is the perfect place to go to with your couple, it’s a very relax and natural place you can share with that special person and do funnier things too…nearby you can find Bellavista neighborhood, there are many bars, pubs and discos. Everybody goes there to have fun and meet people, San Cristobal hill is in that neighborhood, and there you can visit the teleferico, the funicular and the virgin in its top from there you will have a privileged view of our wonderful city .
Finally my special recommendation is “La Piojera” a typical place of our entire country, there you can drink the typical “Terremoto”, a drink made with “pipeño” and pineapple icecream. As you can see Santiago is a very funny city. You’re welcome to visit us, Bye bye.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The last film I saw.

Today a Little bit late I’m going to tell you about the last movie I saw. It was “the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind” by Michel Gondry (director of a lot of Bjork’s music videos) I saw it in the house of my best friend and at the end we were crying because the story is about a tragic love affair. this film explore the romantic love using elements of science fiction and neo-surrealism, this film won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay in 2005. The cast is conformed by Jim Carrey as Joel Barish and Kate Winslet as Clementine Kruczynski who starring the film featuring Kristen Dunts, Elijah Wood, etc.
The plot of the movie is based in the romantic relation of Joel and Clementine, who have very different personalities and which makes that after a nasty fight their relationship ends, from this Clementine decide erase her memories about Joel in Lacuna Inc., an organization dedicated to that kind of procedures, When Joel discover this decide follow the same way of Clementine and forget her, but while the people of Lacuna Inc. are erasing his memory Joel change his mind and decide don’t eliminate Clementine of his life. Besides an employee of Lacuna Inc. fall in love of Clementine and take advantage of the situation conquering Clementine, but love always win and Clementine and Joel remember each other again and realize how they are hurting each other.
This film is totally recommended by me, it’s a great movie and an icon for impulsive people XD.
Friday, August 28, 2009
A big turtle in Santiago
Hello people of the world!!!
Today I’m going to talk about a really current and creative topic, Transantiago. This is the new transport system implemented in 2007 causing a great controversy because it was imposed without an appropriate design. At the beginning, people said the old system was better, because the new routes of the buses make them walk a lot to arrive to the bus stops and they were very slow.
The old system was very disorganized, the bus drivers didn’t have any respect to the students. But some advantages of the old system were that sometimes when you didn`t have money you could ask the driver if he could ride you for less money, but that was overcome for the new system because now you just can pass without paying. Another advantage of the old system was the speed, because the old buses competed for the passengers and the streets became true race roads. The old system was more dangerous but faster than Transantiago. Now the disadvantages of the old system were many, as I said before it was more dangerous than the new one and the buses were very old, the new buses are very modern. The old system didn’t have any regulations, it was disorganized and pollutant, not as the new system.
On the other hand, Transantiago, called “transantiasco” as well, has generated new problems in the society, especially for women who are frequently harassed in the crowed waiting rows and in the subway, they “suffer” groping by degenerated men, who haven’t been satisfied by their wives and search satisfaction in these places.
Finally, I would improve the speed and the frequency of the new buses, that’s all. Bye bye.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Around the world

On the other hand, I wouldn´t go just for vacations, I would like to study there, as this country gives so much importance to arts in general. I would like to study circus arts in the Centre National des Arts du Cirque de Châlons, in Champagne a city of this country. There I may learn how to combine the community psychology with the circus. Besides, since I was a child I like this country so I would like to live there because its living conditions are very high. So don`t you guess yet which country am I talking about?. (in case you couldn’t guess yet, you should check you I.C) I’m talking about France !!!!.
Friday, August 14, 2009
New year, new experiences
On the other hand, the last semester I started to teach silk in a “okupa” called “akí”, the silk is an areal circus discipline that I’m practicing for three years, besides I started to go to the gym and practice comtemporany dance to complement my abilities in silk. I won a scholarship that gives my fourty five thousand pesos to help a little girl in the school. Finally I finished a very good relationship with my partner because I’m really inmature and I couln’t control my personality, so that was my semester I hope you like it, bye bye.