Friday, August 14, 2009

New year, new experiences

Well I`m here again after a long time without writing (by the way a confortable time), today I`m going to talk you about my life during the first term of this year. Well I can tell you that I started with the specialization part of my career. I study psychology so I had to study different subjects, among them I studied Communitaran and forensic psychology, I liked them so much. The first one is about different social problems from the perpective of the people involved in the problems. This is to help them to explore their opportunities to resolve their problems, The second one is about problems such as sexual crime victims, intrafamily violence, etc.
On the other hand, the last semester I started to teach silk in a “okupa” called “akí”, the silk is an areal circus discipline that I’m practicing for three years, besides I started to go to the gym and practice comtemporany dance to complement my abilities in silk. I won a scholarship that gives my fourty five thousand pesos to help a little girl in the school. Finally I finished a very good relationship with my partner because I’m really inmature and I couln’t control my personality, so that was my semester I hope you like it, bye bye.


Irmi said...

uuuuu!!! That punishes that they have removed the okupa "monkey" but common!!!
I love you!!1 jjjajaja "monkey´s face! jajaa

Mero said...

My little monky you are so artist and so handsome boy I love you my friend "moth". I hope that you make a very good term.