I was thinking about what could I read to talk now, I thought that it should be something interesting and related to music to make it funnier, finally I arrive to the fantastic artist Björk, and into the very popular magazine Rolling Stone I found a good article about her album "Medulla", in there she talks the album is compoused based just in vocals, mixing Gregorian chants, Human beatbox, etc. She was inspire to do this thanks she got pregnant, and this have a corporal effect on her that drives her to make new stuffs.in other topic she talks more about her life and work, she is a very simple woman she likes to go to the second hand shops to get something that save her week, besides she deepens on her pregnant and explain that she didn't impose her own music to her baby when she were pregnant because she prefers her baby knows her first, well in the interview she talks more about other items of her life, you could find the article in: