I'm Diego, and this is my personal presentation, so I will start speaking to you about me, I study psycology in "Universidad de Chile", I'm in second year, besides I Study circus, althoug it sounds weird, circus is very dangerous, because I need to be prepared to do dangerous stunts whitout riscking myself, so I practice a lot. Also, studying psycology complement my intellectual side and the social side is fullfilled with the work we do in circus, because this practice is not just to bring fun to people but also, we give a very important source of culture and art to the society.
Well as you can see I love circus and psycology, but not just that, I love art in general too, music, dance, etcetera, I enjoy very much listening to music in all the places where I go, I can't live without it. Well I don't know what more can I speak you about me, so bye!!
I'm Diego, and this is my personal presentation, so I will start speaking to you about me, I study psycology in "Universidad de Chile", I'm in second year, besides I Study circus, althoug it sounds weird, circus is very dangerous, because I need to be prepared to do dangerous stunts whitout riscking myself, so I practice a lot. Also, studying psycology complement my intellectual side and the social side is fullfilled with the work we do in circus, because this practice is not just to bring fun to people but also, we give a very important source of culture and art to the society.
Well as you can see I love circus and psycology, but not just that, I love art in general too, music, dance, etcetera, I enjoy very much listening to music in all the places where I go, I can't live without it. Well I don't know what more can I speak you about me, so bye!!